- By-law No. 17/24 - Licencing and Regulating Solid Waste Collection Services
- By-Law No. 16/24 - To Open a Public Road 3-10-2E
- By-Law No. 13/24 - Capital Levy
- By-Law No. 5/24 - Municipal Fees By-Law
- By-Law No. 2/24 and 3/24 - Zoning By-Law Maps (Updated March 21, 2024)
- By-Law No. 12/23 - Water Restrictions
- By-Law No. 5/23 - No Truck Route
- By-law No. 4/23 - Water & Sewer Rates
- By-Law No. 1/23 - Parking By-Law (parking of vehicles within the Municipality)
- By-Law No. 25/22 - School Speed Zones
- By-Law No. 26/22 - Council Procedures
- By-Law No. 21/22 - Organizational By-Law
- By-Law No. 17/22 - Amending BL 9-22 Restriction of Outdoor Water Use By-Law
- By-Law No. 13/22 - Use of Municipal Resources in an Election
- By-Law No. 12/21 - No Truck Trailer Parking
- By-Law No. 17/20 - Noise By-Law
- By-Law No. 12/20 Derelict Vehicle
- By-law No. 8/20 Burning Regulations (La Salle/Sanford/Oak Bluff/Starbuck)
- By-Law No. 6/20 - Unsightly Property
- By-Law No. 01/20 - Dog Control
- By-Law No. 15/19 - Oak Bluff Secondary Plan
- By-Law No.3/19 - La Salle Secondary Plan - Appendix A and By-Law No. 3/19 - La Salle Secondary Plan - Appendix B
- By-Law No. 5/18 - Zoning By-Law - amended 12 Sep 2023
- By-Law No. 5/18 - Zoning Maps (updated Feb 25, 2025)
- By-Law No. 8/16 - Cemetery Guidelines
- By-Law No. 13/04 & 26/04 - Access Crossings
- By-Law No. 20/97 - Administration of MB Building code
- By-Law No. 40/90 - Water & Sewer Systems