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What is a Development Plan?

  • A development plan is a long-term guiding document that defines a community’s vision and provides the necessary direction to grow in a viable and sustainable manner.


What is a Zoning By-Law?

  • A zoning by-law is intended to promote orderly and thoughtful development of real property and development within the R.M. of Macdonald in order to promote the heath, safety and general welfare of the Municipality, its citizens and to implement the provisions of the Macdonald-Ritchot Planning Zone Development Plan (Development Plan).


What is a Zoning Memorandum?

  • A zoning memorandum is a legal document provided by the Municipality that confirms if a property is a legal conforming site, according to the Rural Municipality of Macdonald Zoning By-Law.  A zoning memorandum can be applied for through the Municipality.


What is a Subdivision?

  • A subdivision is the division of a parcel of land described on a certificate (or status) of title.  A subdivision can occur when a single land title is split into two or more parts, property boundaries are rearranged, or a lease, mortgage or other instrument is registered that has the effect of subdividing the parcel.


What is a Conditional Use?

  • A building or land that may be unique in its characteristics or operation, which could have an impact on adjoining properties.


What is a Variance?

  • A request to modify the Dimensional Standards of the Zoning By-Law (I.e. yards or building setbacks, height requirements and a lot coverage) as applies to a specific property.